Instructions for application

In this document, we have compiled everything related to your application. You will find both the regulations that apply for eligibility and assessment, as well as some information about how the handling of the applications is conducted. Good luck!

Application Period

The application must be completed no later than Monday, September 30th, at 23:59 / 11:59 p.m.


Decisions regarding received applications are made by the scholarship fund’s board in May during the spring semester application period, and in November during the fall semester. After decisions are made, all applicants will be notified whether their application has been granted or not.


Scholarships from The J C Kempe Memorial Scholarship Foundation are awarded twice a year following announcements on the website and mailings to departments and doctoral students. The normal application deadline is usually Monday of week 10 and Monday of week 40, but it can vary, see above.

In the awarding process, consideration is given to the overall quality of the project and the applicant’s ability to carry out their project. Particular attention is paid to scientific quality and originality. The scholarship is intended to cover costs associated with ongoing research, such as materials and equipment, services for analyses, statistical processing, and more. The scholarship is also intended to cover costs related to travel of significant importance to the research task, such as the collection of primary data in the field, archives, museums, and libraries.

The scholarship amount ranges from 1/5 to 4/5 of a base amount. For particularly strong project applications, the board may grant a scholarship of up to SEK 45,480. Applications should not be made for amounts greater than SEK 45,480.

If the project for which you are seeking funds takes place before the decision date as above, your chances of obtaining funds will be significantly reduced. In the event that your project is carried out before the decision date as mentioned, you should clearly justify in a separate attachment how the project will be financed if you do not receive scholarship funds. A supervisor’s certificate should be attached to the justification.

A work scholarship for a maximum of 3 months at 1/5 of a base amount per month (the base amount for 2024 is SEK 57,300) can also be awarded. However, this is not intended to cover the salary cost for regular thesis work.

In cases of aggravating social and economic circumstances, a scholarship may exceptionally be granted for the completion of studies for an academic basic degree.

Applicants must be enrolled in the student union at Umeå University and have a residential address in Västernorrland, Västerbotten, or Norrbotten County at the time of application. Normally, to be eligible, applicants should have completed their undergraduate education and be admitted to and actively engaged in a doctoral program at Umeå University. The fund prioritizes individuals who are in the early stages of their doctoral studies. Individuals who are potential doctoral program recruits may also be considered. The scholarship is not awarded to applicants who have earned a doctoral degree.

The scholarship may be granted to an applicant a maximum of three times, contingent upon the satisfactory reporting of a previously received scholarship and submission of a renewed application.

Scholarship Payment

The scholarships are paid out in full at one time. A report must be submitted after the completion of the work period to the Umeå Student Union. Payment usually occurs before the end of the current term.

Incorrect Information

If an applicant has provided incorrect information and a scholarship has been granted, repayment may be required.

The Form

Please note that the application must be fully completed in order to be processed.

1. Applicant

The applicant’s personal details. Note that the scholarship is awarded only to individual persons, not entire project groups. If the project involves several applicants, an application should be filled out for each applicant. An applicant can only apply for funding for one project at a time. For quick and easy processing, please provide bank and account number (this can be supplemented later). If it is the joint wish of the scholarship recipient and supervisor that the scholarship funds are deposited into the department’s account, this should be communicated by the department’s administrator via email to Tick the box next to it if the application is for undergraduate studies. Also indicate in the box: “Admitted to research education (date)”, that you are admitted to undergraduate education.

2. Project

Here, specify the project title (here you can also mention the conference name or if the scholarship is sought for social/economic reasons), supervisor, department, phone number, estimated project start, and end date.

3. Attachments

Note that you can supplement the attachments throughout the application period.

1. Project Description

A presentation of the project of 3 (maximum 5) pages.

2. Population registration certificate

A certificate of registration from the tax authority. Applicants must be officially registered as residents in Västernorrland, Västerbotten, or Norrbotten County. The population registration certificate must not be dated more than three months before the application deadline.

3. Curriculum Vitae

A compilation of the applicant’s qualifications. Do not attach copies of course certificates or work references.

4. Copy of Current Student Union Receipt

Applicants must be a member of a student union at Umeå University. A valid copy of the receipt from the student union office, a copy of the payment receipt via the membership portal, or a printout from the internet bank serves as proof of student union membership. If you have paid for several terms at once, include a copy of that receipt.

5. Certificate from Supervisor

The certificate should be an assessment of the applicant’s realistic ability to carry out the project for which the application is made. The certificate must be signed by the supervisor.

6. Cost Summary

A summary of the project’s costs and the amount you are seeking from the Kempe Foundation. Other potential grant providers should be reported. You do not need to report all costs for your entire PhD, only the part for which you are seeking scholarships from the Kempe Foundation. The attachment should specify which parts of the project costs the application to SJCKMS concerns. The summary should be accompanied by a clear justification for the specified amount and the relevance of the purpose for the dissertation work. Great importance is placed on a careful cost summary. An insufficient and unclear cost summary can lead to rejection or to a smaller amount being granted than requested. The maximum amount to apply for is 45,840 SEK, do not apply for more than this amount.

7. Other Attachments

Any other attachments are optional. Note that we prefer not to receive entire theses or articles. It is possible to upload several other attachments.

4. Cost Summary

This section specifies the purpose of the application and the amount sought. (Maximum 45,840 SEK)

If a scholarship is being sought due to aggravating social/economic circumstances, the following information can be provided:

Marital status – financial responsibility for minor children

Study results, ongoing studies

Study debts and possibilities for loans and grants from CSN (Swedish Board of Student Finance)

Any illnesses and/or disabilities that have made studying difficult

Reason for the current severe financial situation

5. Awarded Kempe Scholarships

An applicant can be awarded a maximum of 3 scholarships from the J C Kempe Memorial Scholarship Foundation. Each awarded scholarship must be reported at the latest when a new scholarship application is submitted.

6. Information about the Applicant’s Financial Situation

Non-mandatory task. To be filled in if the applicant wishes to clarify their financial situation.

7. Project Summary

The summary of the project should be a maximum of 2500 characters, including spaces. Include background, purpose, method, work plan/timeline, and the scientific significance of the project. For travel grant applications, state how the project will be presented or how the results will be reported. Applications without a project summary will not be considered.

If the application involves travel to a conference, the conference should be specified in terms of time and place. Active participation in the form of an accepted abstract/presentation is a prerequisite for the application to be considered for an award. In these cases, the summary should also highlight the conference’s significance for the dissertation work.

Note that you must also attach proof that your abstract/presentation will be presented at the conference.

Submit the Application

Finally, click to submit your application. You can supplement attachments throughout the application period.

After the application period ends, no further supplements can be made, so ensure that your application is complete.