Here you will find frequently asked questions that we often get from students, do you have a question that you can’t find an answer to here? Don’t hesitate to contact us!


You don’t have to worry, it happens to most people. You must be offered a re-examination no later than two months after the regular exam. However, no earlier than ten working days after the result of the regular exam has been announced. For tests during the months of May and June, three months apply instead. You must then be offered a second re-exam within one year of the regular exam.

You always have at least five opportunities. In accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, the limitation of the number of test opportunities must be done with great care and, if necessary, can be justified by the fact that an unlimited amount could lead to a waste of resources. If there is a limitation on the number of occasions, this must be stated in the syllabus, so look there. Slightly different rules apply for internships/VFU or equivalent, where if a passing result on a course presupposes that the student has completed an internship with a passing result, the number of internship opportunities must be set to at least two.

It is not possible to appeal a grade, i.e. have it reviewed by a higher authority, but you can request that the examiner reconsider his decision. Contact the study counselor at your institution and you will get help filling in a form for this. Then you will also be able to justify why you believe the grading decision should be changed.

It is of course important that you have a good relationship with your supervisor. If there are cooperation problems or other similar special reasons between you, you have the right to have the question of changing supervisors tried. In the course plan, it must be indicated where you should turn to request this.

If you have passed both an ordinary exam and a re-examination for a course or part of a course, you have the right to have another examiner appointed at the next re-examination, unless there are special reasons against it. In the course plan, it must be indicated where you should turn to request this.

Only if the lectures are of an individually testing nature, i.e. they are examinative. This is a requirement for all compulsory participation. Certain exceptions exist for safety reasons for demonstrations or preparations for clinical teaching, as these can be considered to be of such importance that mandatory attendance can be required without a testing element being included. What the compulsory education elements are must be clear from the course plan and also be specified in the schedule.

You have the right, regardless of the form of examination, to be notified of the results of the test within 15 working days after the test. Regarding submissions or similar assignments, the submission day is counted as the time of examination. Teacher illness or similar circumstances do not provide an exception to this rule, but in that case the institution must find another solution .

If supplementation is to be permitted, it must be stipulated in the course plan. If such a provision exists, it is up to the examiner to decide that a student who has not achieved a passing result may instead complete a supplement. If the opportunity to supplement is given, it is up to you to decide whether you want to make the supplement or instead redo the test when such opportunity is given.

If you have been reported for suspicion of plagiarism (or cheating), an investigation will take place, where you will have the opportunity to express yourself and tell in your own words your perspective of what was described in the report. During the course of the investigation, you can participate as usual in teaching at the university. When the investigation is complete, a decision is made to either close the case without action (sometimes with a warning) or to hand the case over to the disciplinary committee, where you will receive a summons. The board can then decide on a temporary suspension (up to six months, but the most common time for suspension is six weeks), a warning or to leave the case without further action.

Social study

No one should have to feel bad. You can contact Student Health at Umeå University if you feel stressed, worried, depressed or have questions about relationships. Counselors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists and public health scientists work here. Student health’s services are always free and confidentiality applies. Call (+46)088890-786 51 00 to book an appointment.

Of course, all students must be given the same conditions to cope with their studies. In order to receive support, you need to make an application where you can describe your disability and how you think it will affect your studies. With the application, you will also need to send a certificate proving your disability. You can read more about how to submit your application here.

It shouldn’t be like that, of course a teacher should treat all students well. Get in touch with the Umeå student union’s student and doctoral representative and you will get help with this. You can fins contact info under the page “We work at the student union”.

Yes! All students at Umeå University are insured for personal injury through the Kammarkollegiet. This applies during school hours in the university’s premises and when you travel to and from campus. On Kammarkollegiet’s website you can find the insurance conditions and how to make a report.

The university’s regulations state that regular exams must normally be held Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 17:00 and in direct connection with the course. Contact the course manager in the first instance. If your views are not heard, you can contact the Umeå student union’s student and doctoral representative.


Information on various membership fees can be found here. A certain discount applies if you pay for several semesters immediately.

You are automatically sorted into a course/program association (if one exists) based on your program/course code. You become a member of the Umeå student union, your section and your association at the same time (and at the same cost). Here you will find sections/associations/programme associations.

By signing up for membership in the Umeå student union, you agree that we provide information to third parties, such as e.g. The STUK Student card to produce membership cards – or to our partners.

När du blir medlem i Umeå studentkår så får du Campuskortet i samarbete med STUK Studentkortet. Beställningar skickas varje vardag, och du får e-post från dem när appen är redo att aktiveras. Kortet är giltigt som kårlegitimation, och ger en mängd rabatter – både lokala och nationella.

Läs mer på STUK-Studentkortet hemsida om vilka rabatter som gäller.

Umeå studentkår samarbetar inte med Mecenat, så om du vill ha deras kort får du kontakta dem direkt

Notera att för att kortbeställningen ska gå väg krävs att det också att kurs/programregistrering har lästs in i medlemsregistret. Mer info: STUK-Studentkortet

Everyone who has the STUK Student Card has a student discount at SJ (provided you are registered as a student).

SJ + Student travel symbol
In order to be eligible for the Student Travel Symbol, one must study with at least 50% of the study scope during the semester and for at least 10 weeks during the semester at a university, college, college or other education that is eligible for study funds from the Central Student Support Board (CSN). At university/college, this corresponds to at least 15 credits.

To be eligible for SL, one must be 20 years old and study at least 75% during a full semester at a university, college, community college or other education that is eligible for study funds from the Central Student Support Board (CSN). At University/College, this corresponds to 22.5 credits/semester. (when you have the SL logo, it also counts as including the student travel symbol.)

More information about which operators can give a discount can be found on the STUK Student Card (search for the current operator, this also shows any point requirements)

To get the STUK Student Card and be able to use the discounts, you must be registered as a student for the current term. If you have paid membership for several semesters but are not registered on a course, your membership will be converted to an alumni membership. This membership does not provide benefit cards, you only support the corps with this membership. In order for the app order to go through, it is also required that the course/program registration has been read into the member register.

The cards are semester wise, i.e. one card per semester. If you have paid for several semesters, the next semester’s card will come automatically (provided you are registered as a student.)

We send out membership offers to students who were registered the previous semester. If you do not want to become a member of the corps, you do not have to do anything.

Membership offers are sent to the student e-mail (xxx@student.umu.se) or to another e-mail that you yourself have used in communication with the union office. Maybe the offer got stuck in the spam filter?

Du kan dygnet runt lösa medlemskap via vår medlemsportal medlem.umeastudentkar.se

Membership offer is based on the fee your course registrations yielded the previous semester. If your studies have changed, it is easiest to contact the union office to change it. You can also change the invoice yourself via the member portal – medlem.umeastudentkar.se.

You must be a member of a student union at another university/college in Sweden. To get a guest leg that gives access to the student pubs, you can become a support member of the Umeå student union. The support membership is valid for the entire semester. Support membership must always be signed at the union office and a membership card/union card from the regular union must be presented. If you are going to buy it for someone else, present a photo of the students’ union ID in the mobile phone.

There is personal injury insurance with Kammarkollegiet for students and doctoral students at the state universities and colleges during school hours and during direct travel between home and school. Read more about the insurance.